14 Oct How To Get The Attention Of Heaven

Today you are going to know the truth and truth is going to do what…? Yes, set you free but it’s also going to make you wanna dance!

I think about all the people throughout Scripture who got the attention of the Father (David captured His heart), the Son (the woman with the issue of blood) and the Holy Spirit (those in the upper room!)

Remember that God said, Call to Me and I will answer you and show you GREAT and MIGHTY things!  And He is still saying this! It’s time to see great and mighty things in every area of our lives!

Whatever area in our lives that the devil is still messing with us…we have put up with that long enough and it’s time do something about it…it”s time to kick the devil out and get Holy Spirit in!

You see we know how to bring the presence of the Holy Spirit to a meeting, into our homes, cars, etc…but He is passionately desires to move on our behalf. We can’t ignore Him any longer…He’s about to take over our lives like never before!

There is a mighty move of God coming to your life and I tell you what, Jesus is standing at your destiny and asking you to come to Him!

Mark 10:46-52 says, “Now they came to Jericho. As He went out of Jericho with His disciples and a great multitude, blind Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, sat by the road begging. And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. Then they called the blind man, saying to him, “Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you.” And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus. So Jesus answered and said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you?” The blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.”And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.

Here we see that Jesus is passing by…don’t you love Him? Isn’t He amazing. So full of love and compassion for every one of us. He knew us before the foundations of the world…in fact do you realize that you sitting here…you are the created thoughts and dreams of God? He has been thinking about you as long as He has been around! And today, this moment you are those beautiful thoughts from His heart…you came from the very heart of Jesus.

No wonder the devil hates you so much. No wonder he tries to kill, steal and destroy you. You are favored and love, enjoyed and adored by the Lord and he hates that!

Oh friend we have to live loved!

That’s why I love to remind the devil of these things…do whatever it takes to drive him crazy.

Is it true that ALL authority has been given to Jesus? Well, do the math…if my calculations are correct, that leaves the devil with nothing! His power is so limited that he can ONLY tempt you to give up and give in. He can’t make you do anything…only tempt you. He has no power unless we yield an area of our lives to a lie.

Anyway, Jesus is passing by Jericho and He is passing by here. Right now. He is here. He comes where He is invited…and Jesus you are totally invited here. Do whatever you want right now!  Jesus is here today to heal you. To speak to you. To encourage you. To fill you with His Spirit. To work a miracle in your life. To heal your broken heart. Just know He is here. Some of you will feel His presence right now…

Here we have Blind Bartimaeus…we know two main things…he was blind and he was a beggar. Homeless. No one taking notice. Unpopular, ignored and lonely. This was his life…his identity.

Please listen to me closely…what are you going through? What pain do you still have in your body? Are you carrying a wounded heart? Do you have fear or anxiety? Are you burned out and stressed…listen…YOU ARE NOT DEFINED by these things! Today is your new beginning! Enough is enough. The past is the past. That pain that you are carrying in your body…that’s ENOUGH! NO MORE! That wound that you are carrying in you heart…will be healed today in Jesus name! I personally know what it’s like to be healed of a broken heart. Your identity lies in the fact that you are loved, enjoyed and adored by God! Period. Anything less than that is a lie from the enemy. I am telling you, it’s a new day for you. Those are not just cute words…this is truth that will set you free and make you want to dance!

And here’s the big secret to receiving from God every single day…Luke 17:21 says that the Kingdom of God is within you! So that means wherever you go…there goes the Kingdom…there goes the presence of God! The wonderful Holy Spirit is living inside you right now and He has at His disposal everything you need to live in the glory. He is joy. He is power. He is love. He is healing. He is our provider. And it’s not just for you but for your family, friends and everyone you meet and everywhere you go! The Kingdom is within! You walk into Starbucks…revival just walked into Starbucks! Joy, healing, freedom, salvation just walked in! Come on now!

Back to Bartimaeus, he needed Jesus so bad…he needed a touch so desperately…and guess what…we all do. Right now today! We need a fresh touch from Jesus…and you know what, He’s going to do it for you! What do you need from Jesus? What are you asking Him for RIGHT NOW? A miracle? Healing in your body or mind? A turn around in your finances? Freedom from a sin issue? Deliverance? What do you need? More of His presence? More of His glory? To be on fire for God? For your spouse or children to have an encounter with God? What do you need? Because every one of us is asking God for something today…and this is your moment…this is your set time to receive from God. Not later…right now!

Bartimaeus heard that Jesus was passing by and cried out, “Jesus, Son of David have mercy on me” He heard…is this the one I have been hearing about, the miracle worker? The One that opens blind eyes, raises the dead and casts out devils? And again, this same Jesus is here right now! We need Jesus! We are flooded with Christian books, new worship songs, hundreds of Facebook quotes, thousands of sermons, lots of meetings and gatherings but the one thing we need most of all is Jesus! A deep, passionate encounter with Jesus…that’s when WE REALLY receive all those things we have been believing for and crying out to God for! And THAT’s why he cried out…it was Jesus.

And I am convinced that if he did not cry out, Jesus would have walked right on by and he would have missed his divine appointment with a miracle. He is the only answer friends…only Jesus. I love Him so much.

The Bible says that many told him to be quiet. And I am telling you, the devil wants you quiet. He knows that in your voice you carry the prophetic Word of God for whatever you need as you remind the devil, Jesus and anybody else that wants to hear what the Bible says about what I am going through…

Depression? Joy of the Lord is my strength!

Sickness? He sent His word to heal me and deliver me from ALL my diseases. Or by His stripes I am healed!

Shame? Nothing can separate my heart from the love of God.

Finances? You still supply ALL my needs…


And it’s not just the devil that wants you quiet…a religious spirit is more than happy to keep you quiet. Religion always seems to say shhhhhhh like you are always in a library.

You pray to long

Your worship in church embarrasses me.

You are too radical

You embarrass me when we go out and you are always talking about Jesus and what He has done for you.

C’mon Dad’s, c’mon Mom’s time to get loud about what you believe! The world is certainly loud about what they believe!

You know what amazes me most about these people telling Bartimaeus to be quiet…they weren’t blind! I’m going to get my miracle and I will do whatever it takes to get the attention of Heaven. I WILL get my encounter with God! I WILL get free of my hurts and wounds!

Bartimaeus shouted all the more…nothing was going to stop him from getting his miracle. And in this hour we cannot let anything stop us from getting the attention of Heaven!

Then the Bible says something very profound, in verse 39 and this is the main thing you must hear…

And Jesus stood still! One of my favorite verses in the Bible! Whatever you have to do to make Jesus stand still and look your way…that’s what you MUST do to receive from Him. Remember a GREAT multitude was hanging around Jesus…but ONLY Bartimaeus got His attention. This is the key friends! It’s simply not enough to hang around Jesus…you may get a little trickle of an overflow in a meeting. But if you want ALL that God has for you in any area of your life, WE MUST RUN TO HIM like never before every day!

Be of good cheer the crowd now says (religion is so fickle) He’s calling you. And it’s one thing to call out to Jesus, but when He calls for you…LOOK OUT, you got your miracle, your blessing, your healing! He threw aside his garment…not going back to that old lifestyle anymore! No more looking back for him…or…you.

Jesus asked him what do you want Me to do for you? Remember when Jesus’ asks us a question, He’s not trying to get information. And I’m sure Peter was like whispering in His ear, ummmm Jesus He’s blind!

Jesus is asking them same question to you today. What do you want me to do for you? The miracle is yours to be taken. Right here. Right now. Just do what Bartimaeus did and you will get the attention of Heaven!

You are loved!

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